Safety features in cars mandated by the federal government

Safety features in cars mandated by the federal government

With modern cars becoming more and more advanced, both in terms of looks and features, safety is something that you should definitely consider when buying a new car. There are certain safety features in cars that are mandated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the federal government. If you are looking to buy a new car, you must check if the following features are present: 1. Airbags Ever since 1995 NHTSA has mandated that all cars (with exceptions to low volume vehicles) must have two airbags in the front. The airbags provide protection to both the driver and the passenger in the event of a collision. More specifically, the airbags cushion the impact and reduce the damage to either the passenger or the driver or both. The airbags are smart enough as they can sense immense speeds (sometimes clocking 200 mph). 2. Passive restraint systems A passive restraint system operates automatically without any human intervention and prevents you from getting thrown out of your seat in the event of a car crash. These mostly come in the form of motorized seat belts and have been mandated by the federal government ever since 1989. This means that all the car models made in the beginning of1989 or 1990 must have motorized seat belts.
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Tips for the safety of car tires

Tips for the safety of car tires

A person purchases a car is either for utility purposes or just for fun. However, before driving off, you should ensure that your car is in good condition. A major part of car maintenance is the safety of the car tires. Hence, it is advised to check your car tires regularly. Maintaining the safety of car tires not only protects you from any dangers but also increases the longevity of your car along with reducing costs. Here are a few tips for car tire safety that you should follow: 1. Choose your tires carefully Many drivers purchase tires by checking the price or appearance. The most important consideration while selecting tires should be a size suitable for the car. When buying tires, it is better to consult with an experienced dealer or a mechanic. It is also recommended to pay attention to your driving patterns while buying a tire. 2. Buy and keep a tire gauge in your car at all times A tire gauge is an instrument used to measure the air pressure in the car’s tires. Air pressure is most likely the most essential part of car tire safety. Doing regular checks of your tire’s air pressure with a tire gauge will tell you whether your car tire is overinflated or underinflated.
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Understanding financing vs. leasing a vehicle

Understanding financing vs. leasing a vehicle

There are three primary ways for you to get a vehicle: making a one-time purchase of the vehicle, financing the vehicle through an auto loan, and leasing a vehicle. Out of these, the most common and the most debated options are financing vs. leasing a vehicle. The biggest point of difference between leasing and financing vehicles is based on what exactly you have paid for. This implies that both options have some advantages and regulations that you may have to follow. Here is a brief comparison of the two options that will help you make a better decision of whether to finance or lease a vehicle: 1. Ownership Leasing: The concept of leasing means that you have to pay to use the vehicle for a set period of time, and you will not have ownership of the vehicle. However, you have the option of returning or purchasing the vehicle at the end of the lease term. Financing: You gain ownership of the vehicle once you have made the complete payment over a period of time. You are free to use it as per your requirements and without any restrictions. 2. Down payment Leasing: When it comes to financing vs. leasing a vehicle, the down payment for leasing a vehicle typically comprises of payment for the first month of use.
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Things to know about windshield cracks

Things to know about windshield cracks

Many of us have seen a sudden crack in the windshield caused by a rock or any other object flying straight into the glass. Even though it seems like a minor issue, you must take measures to prevent that crack from widening. Here’s a brief explanation of why cracks in a windshield are dangerous, along with tips on how you can go about fixing windshield cracks to stop them from widening. 1. Disadvantages of a cracked windshield A cracked windshield is no doubt frustrating, but it is not the only reason why fixing windshield cracks should be a priority. Failure to do so will lead to the crack widening until you are left with no option but to replace the glass. Another disadvantage of letting the crack widen is the accumulation of dust. When dust accumulates in the windshield crack, it becomes more difficult to repair. Here are some more reasons to repair windshield cracks as soon as possible: Hampers with structural integrity The windshield is a vital part of the car’s structural integrity. In case of a rollover accident, the roof of the car will cave in, crushing you, if the windshield is cracked. This increases the likelihood of a major injury if not death.
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Amazing features you can find in top midsize SUVs

Amazing features you can find in top midsize SUVs

There are not many people in the world who are fans of bulky SUVs. They find the vehicles hard to navigate through traffic and even harder to park in spaces close to full. Getting the best of all worlds is always ideal, and in this case, there are thousands of individuals who wish to combine the ease of a sedan with the spectacular features of full-fledged SUVs. If you are one of these people, then you might not know it yet, but the ideal vehicle for you is a midsize SUV. While midsize SUVs might not be as roomy as their bigger variants, they do come with enough ground clearance and all-wheel drive options. Also, these are more fuel-efficient as well. The following are the top SUVs in the midsize range that have amazing features: 1. 2019 Honda Pilot To start with, the 2019 Honda Pilot (LX trim) packs a V6 engine that clocks horsepower of 280. Talking about the average of this engine, when running on a highway, it returns 27 mpg when equipped with the optional 9-speed auto transmission. The Honda Pilot LX is immensely powerful and has two powertrain variants, one of which can easily tow up to 5000 pounds without a hitch.
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How organic gardening can help reduce waste

How organic gardening can help reduce waste

The amount of waste we produce is increasing by the day. Unless this waste is used elsewhere in a productive manner, waste management is bound to become a bigger challenge in the future. Improper waste management can lead to several negative effects. Instead, if recycled efficiently, organic waste can be used in gardening. Organic gardening is gardening without the use of any synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. It is a simpler process and more effective as well. It does not cause any side effects or impact the soil and the growing plants in any adverse way. Here are some of the best ways in which you can reduce waste at home: Reduce the usage of plastic bags Use more reusable containers Avoid using disposable plates Segregate your waste Opt for organic farming 1. How can you reuse organic waste? Organic waste or any waste that is collected from food (both plant and animal-based) or your garden or paper or cardboard can be reused. Throwing out this waste makes waste management difficult as this waste can be put to better use. It can be used in an organic garden where organic waste serves as the best kind of natural fertilizer. 2. How does composting reduce waste?
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9 things to know before having a Botox treatment

9 things to know before having a Botox treatment

Botox or botulinum toxin is utilized in aesthetic treatments. This is a neurotoxin generated by a bacterium that is injected into the muscles in very small doses. Botox weakens neurological signals to the muscles at the location where the injection has been given. This prevents muscle contractions and softens/relaxes wrinkles. Different Botox products employed in beauty treatments are Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport. Before a Botox treatment, it is essential to know a few things. The nine things to know before a Botox treatment are: 1. Age factor Age is not a criterion for getting this treatment, it doesn’t matter. Experts believe that this treatment can cease the development of lines and preserve the skin. The muscles in the treated area are temporarily frozen and then softened to remain flat. 2. Variable dosage The amount of toxin injected varies from one person to another. For instance, one may need 10 units on the forehead and 15 in the middle of the frown area; the dose depends on the lines and wrinkles formed and their severity. 3. Botox hurts a little The injection may be sharp and stingy but it is quick. So, a little pinch can be experienced. 4. No exercising following the Botox treatment This solution will take around 20 minutes to seep into the muscles and hence, it is suggested not to undertake any strenuous activity or a hot bath after the treatment.
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6 benefits of rental furniture

6 benefits of rental furniture

Rental furniture is the latest market trend adding to the existing rental facilities available like cars and appliances. The most important aspect of furniture rentals is that it does not pinch the pocket as a heavy investment is not required to use the furniture of your choice. Renting furniture is a good choice for you if you keep relocating due to your profession or for any other reason, and there are many furniture rental companies that provide a wide array of furniture options to choose from. However, you should keep in mind that renting furniture is a recurring cost while purchasing it is a one-time expenditure. Here are some benefits of furniture rentals for you to consider: 1. No investment required While buying furniture, you have to invest a huge amount of money in comparison to furniture rentals wherein no permanent investment is required and you can get the furniture of your choice at a much lower price. It is the perfect solution for you if you have budget constraints. 2. Great offers Furniture rentals provide great deals and combo offers, along with complete packages at lower prices to make a deal more attractive. Along with this, they provide free doorstep delivery and pick up services.
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6 must-have brands for home appliances

6 must-have brands for home appliances

When it comes to appliances or gadgets, you would want nothing but the best. Given the fact that there are quite a few home appliance brands in the market, each priced differently, it can be hard to sort through the lot. That’s why we have collated the information on some of the top-ranked, must-have home appliance brands that you can check out below. Various metrics from customer feedback, opinion, pricing, to functionality are used to judge each brand and to see how they rank up: 1. Whirlpool Whirlpool has managed to earn itself a reputation as one of the most reliable home appliance brands. When it comes to large appliances, Whirlpool certainly ranks as one of the best; it comes with fewer service calls and is priced quite attractively as well. They also happen to rank quite well in customer service and often go all out to help a customer in need. Most of their products come with basic functionality and tend to last longer than other brands. 2. LG LG is better known for its electronics but of late, this brand has managed to gain quite a reputation when it comes to appliances. It ranks considerably well for appliances such as washers, refrigerators (French door), top-mount freezer – fridge combinations, among others.
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6 must-have home décor items

6 must-have home décor items

When it comes to décor, there are certain items that every house must have to make it a true and comfortable home. Obviously, tastes and style vary when it comes to making yours a home sweet home. However, you may gain some inspiration for a home makeover in the list below, or see a need for a few items missing from your home and take effective measures to change that: 1. Décorative throw pillows Décorative throw pillows are just what you need for a real cozy interior. The great thing about décorative throw pillows is that you can go in for any distinct shape, or you could just go for the usual standard size ones with frilled edges and crocheted pillow covers. You can place it on any sofa, chair, and instantly add a touch of class to your living room. 2. Throw blankets These are one of the home décor must-haves as far as sprucing up your interior goes. One of the reasons that throw blankets are so popular is mainly because they can be easily customized and that they can go with anything – whether draped over a futon or a sofa set. You can go in for hand-stitched throw blankets and you should be able to make your room feel cozy and comfortable right away.
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