Top 3 affordable cars in 2019
The average price that people in the country have had to pay for a new vehicle is about $35,000 and as many eyebrows as this number will raise, what is worse is the prices show no signs of coming down. while the world seems to be moving towards newer heights in technology, the state of one’s finances aren’t moving fast enough to keep up and very few people can afford even a bottom-level luxury car. Hence, people looking for cheaper options have a really hard time. There is always the used car market, but that has its own risks and problems. In a scenario like this, what is one to do? Luckily, there is a long list of cars launched recently that range from highly expensive to fairly cheap. To help you choose the right car, here is a list of affordable car options that you can buy in 2019. All of the cars mentioned in the list below are approximately half as expensive compared to the average car transaction price in America. Keep in mind that “cheaper” does not necessarily translate to “features missing.” Without further ado, here are the top affordable 2019 cars: 1. 2019 Mitsubishi Mirage ES This 2019 car is essentially a hatchback iteration of the Mirage G4 sedan.
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