5 Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

5 Symptoms of Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer or renal cell carcinoma (RCC), is among the top ten U.S. cancers for both men and women. The majority of patients diagnosed with renal cancer are 60-years old or older, and tumors are detected during a routine exam or when visiting the doctor with symptoms characteristic of this cancer.  Early detection and treatment is important to kidney cancer recovery. Evident symptoms of kidney cancer rarely show until the advanced stages, however the following warning signs of renal cancer often present in the earlier stages: 1. Blood in urine Blood in the urine, or hematuria, is common for a lot of other conditions apart from renal cancer (i.e., kidney stone, kidney infection, enlarged prostate, etc.). However, any amount of blood in the urine needs investigation immediately. It can come in any amount from so minute it’s only detected through urinalysis to a visual amount. This can also happen because of an infection or kidney stones. 2. Low back pain Lower back pain on one side of the body is a common experience in later stage kidney cancer patients. In fact, it’s experienced by those suffering from renal cancer at a rate of 41%. The pain sensation can vary from person to person.
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6 Tips to Get the Best Hearing Aids

6 Tips to Get the Best Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are medical devices meant to improve the daily lives of those who struggle with hearing issues. Hearing aids can be divided into two main categories. Firstly, digital hearing aids convert sound waves into digital signals and then amplify them. Secondly, analog hearing aids convert sound waves into electrical signals. When choosing hearing aids to serve your needs effectively, consider factors such as the cost, special features available, and your kind of lifestyle. The following tips will help guide your search: 1. Get a checkup with an audiologist This is the first step you must take before purchasing your hearing aids. An audiologist will check the state of your hearing and take you through several hearing tests that will determine the degree of your hearing loss. Ultimately, they will recommend the style of hearing aid that is best for you. These tests will produce results on how you hear pitch and volume. The outcomes are crucial if your hearing aids are to be programmed to meet specific loudness and sound quality. 2. Know the different styles of hearing aids Hearing aids come in different styles. First up are in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids, which offer a less visible style compared to others and fit comfortably inside the ear canal.
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6 Early Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

6 Early Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects the nerves and movement. Symptoms of Parkinon’s disease often begin slowly with slight stiffness, mobility issues, and a barely noticeable tremor—with symptoms worsening over time and as the disease progresses. Although Parkinson’s disease isn’t curable, medications like Austedo and Levodopa can be prescribed by doctors to significantly improve the symptoms. Health care providers also often recommend physical therapy to help improve stiffness and mobility issues. Read on for the common early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease: 1. Stiffness, inflexibility, and cramping Early signs of Parkinson’s may include muscle stiffness, inflexibility, and cramps. This trio of symptoms is often referred to as rigidity. This can make certain tasks—like tying shoes, getting dressed, and writing more difficult. Rigidity can prevent muscles from stretching and relaxing, which can particularly affect getting up from a seated position or turning over in bed. This reduced movement in patients is characterized as bradykinesia. It may also affect automatic movements—including blinking, smiling or swinging the arms when walking. 2. Problems with your bladder or bowels Parkinson’s patients often report bladder or bowel troubles in the early stages. Signs of an overactive bladder, such as increased urgency to use the toilet and without warning, or waking to urinate frequently throughout the night, are the most common bladder symptoms of people with Parkinson’s.
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5 Warning Signs of Medication Induced Parkinson’s

5 Warning Signs of Medication Induced Parkinson’s

Medication induced Parkinson’s can usually be reversed after withdrawing the drug that is causing it to occur. While the Austedo xr Choreahd medication cost and Ingrezza xr HdChorea medication cost can be high, these may not be necessary if the affected individual is able to stop taking the causative medication. Therefore, Parkinson’s medication may not be prescribed. Austedo medication for pd may cause medication induced Parkinson’s in patients with Huntington’s disease or tardive dyskinesia, proving how important it is to look into the side effects of prescribed medications. Here are five warning signs of medication induced Parkinson’s to keep an eye out for: 1. Gait disturbance Individuals with medication induced Parkinson’s may experience gait disturbance. This is otherwise known as any divergence from regular walking or gait. Shuffling, smaller steps, and slower, stiffer walking are all examples of this 2. Resting tremors The tremors that those with medication induced Parkinson’s undergo are resting tremors, not action or postural tremors. Resting tremors are identified as occurring while the body is at rest and stopping once the body resumes activity. These tremors commonly occur in the feet, jaw, fingers, and hands 3. Affecting both sides of the body One major warning sign of medication induced Parkinson’s is having both sides of the body be equally affected by symptoms.
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Why Water Is Considered The Best Snack For Diabetes

Why Water Is Considered The Best Snack For Diabetes

When it comes to managing diabetes, choosing the right snacks can be a game-changer. One often overlooked yet incredibly beneficial option is water. Fresh Water Delivery services make it easier than ever to ensure you always have access to this vital resource. The Benefits of Water As A Snack are numerous, especially for those managing diabetes. Let’s dive into why water is considered the best snack for diabetes. 1. Zero calories, zero guilt Water is the ultimate guilt-free snack. Unlike many other snack options, water contains zero calories. This makes it an excellent choice for those who need to manage their weight as part of their diabetes care plan. When you drink water instead of consuming high-calorie snacks, you avoid the blood sugar spikes that can come from sugary or carb-heavy foods. It’s a win-win situation: you stay hydrated and keep your blood sugar levels stable. 2. Hydration is key Proper hydration is crucial for everyone, but it’s especially important for individuals with diabetes. Dehydration can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of bodily fluids, supports kidney function, and aids in the efficient processing of glucose. Fresh Water Delivery services ensure that you always have a steady supply of clean, refreshing water, making it easier to stay hydrated throughout the day.
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