4 Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis

4 Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, the most pragmatic thing to do would be to first understand what the treatment options are. Take the time to find out whether there is only one kind of standard treatment or a combination of treatments. More importantly, determine which treatment is appropriate for you. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment must typically address the following concerns: Inflammation and associated pain Damage caused to bones, flexible joints, and other organs of the body The speed of progression of this auto-immune disorder The side effects of medication Mobility and physical functioning Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be prevented or cured completely. However, the management of this condition is possible. There are a variety of medicines and surgical procedures that help treat rheumatoid arthritis: 1. Painkillers When there is a pain, the most widespread tendency is to instantly pop an over-the-counter painkiller to alleviate it. It is no different for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. But, apart from temporary pain relief, there is no other advantage of these medications. If there is acute pain, doctors sometimes prescribe opioids too. 2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) NSAIDs, on the other hand, work to reduce pain and local inflammation. These are available in many forms (as over-the-counter medicines or prescription drugs).
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6 risk factors of skin cancer you did not know about

6 risk factors of skin cancer you did not know about

Skin cancer most often occurs on the skin which is directly exposed to the sun for long hours. There are other causes and risks that lead to skin cancer. It occurs when mutations in the cell causes them to grow and form cancer cells. Skin cancer begins in the skin’s top layer the epidermis. The epidermis is a thin layer which acts as a protective cover of skin cells. The body sheds the epidermis. The epidermis has mainly three types of cells: Squamous cells which are just below the epidermis and are the inner lining. The epidermis is the outer lining of the skin. Basal cells lie beneath the squamous cells and they produce new skin cells. Melanocytes lie in the lower part of the epidermis and produces melanin which gives the skin its normal color. The type of skin cancer you get is based on which cells it affects and treatment is given accordingly. The most common factors which increase the risk of skin cancer include: 1. Damage to skin cells due to exposure to the sun Most of the damage to the DNA in skin cells is a result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight. Tanning beds, a device that emits ultraviolet radiation to give people a tan, also increases the risk of skin cancer due to high exposure to UV rays.
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Differences Between Harmless and Harmful Snoring

Differences Between Harmless and Harmful Snoring

Studies show that 90 million people in the country occasionally experience snoring, while 18 million people suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. So, what is snoring? It is a physiological condition in which the vibrations caused by breathing against the narrow air passage. However, for many people snoring can be an indicator of a larger health issue. Before exploring the larger health issues, let us understand the differences between harmless and harmful snoring. 1. Snoring that is harmless Snoring is perfectly normal; as one gets older, the throat muscles tend to get relaxed and snoring literally comes the byproduct of aging. Allergies due to seasonal variations and other respiratory illnesses cause snoring too, and they are commonly referred to as harmless snoring. A deviated septum or enlarged tonsils could also be factors for snoring. Sleep position also contributes to snoring as the flesh in the throat relaxes as one sleeps on their back, thereby blocking the airway. One must, try sleeping sideways and stack a few pillows if required. To summarize, anatomical alterations and any kind of allergies triggered by a change in season or likewise could result in snoring. However, all of them are harmless snoring and are not likely to damage any other bodily function further.
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Spinal Muscle Atrophy – A Rare Condition

Spinal Muscle Atrophy – A Rare Condition

Spinal muscle atrophy or SMA is a genetic disorder associated with the nervous system, affecting limb movement. The disease is severe and has adverse effects on children; sometimes, it could also affect adults. One of the Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) types that are common are the ones that are associated with Chromosome 5. But, there is also another type that is not associated with chromosome 5. Some of these other forms of SMA are not directly related to the SMN protein, which generally give rise to the defects that may be present in the other chromosomes in the body. The level of severity of this condition dependent from individual to individual, but they do bear a link to the muscles that are actually affected as well. 1. SMARD One of the rarest spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) type is the one that is associated with respiratory distress, also known as SMARD. This specifically occurs when the IGHMBP2 gene in the body is affected. Infants who are affected by this type would experience a more severe form of respiratory distress alongside the usual muscle weakness. 2. Distal SMA Another form of spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) that is rare is distal SMA; this affects the hands and feet in particular.
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All you need to know about the stages of colon cancer

All you need to know about the stages of colon cancer

Colon cancer can further be classified within each category, wherein a number or letter is assigned to indicate the extent of the disease. These classifications are normally based on the structure of the colon and also on how far the cancer has grown through the layers of the colon wall. This article presents a detailed classification of the stages of colon cancer: 1. Stage 0 Being the earliest stage of colon cancer, this stage means that the cancer has not grown beyond the mucosa or the innermost layer of the colon. 2. Stage 1 The indications of stage 1 cancer shows that the cancer has grown into the next layer of the colon known as the mucosa and has then moved on to the second layer of the colon, which is known as the submucosa. However, in this stage the cancer has not yet spread to the lymph nodes. 3. Stage 2 The cancer in stage 2 is a little more advanced than in stage 1 and has grown beyond the mucosa and submucosa of the colon. Stage 2 colon cancer can be further classified as stage 2A, 2B, or 2C based on the intensity of the disease. 4. Stage 2A Although the cancer at this stage has reached the outer layer of the colon, it has not grown through it completely.
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Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anaplastic thyroid cancer is the least common and the most deadly type of thyroid cancers. Only 1% of thyroid cancer patients are diagnosed with anaplastic or undifferentiated thyroid cancer. The cure rate is very low even with the best of treatments, and the patient can barely survive for a year, from the date of diagnosis. 1. Incidence and cause This type of thyroid cancer is more common in people over 60 years and is extremely rare in young patients. Though the exact cause of this malignancy cannot be pointed out, a long-standing goiter, which is an enlarged thyroid, or continuous exposure to radiation in the neck or chest can lead to anaplastic thyroid cancer. 2. Symptoms As this is a fast-growing cancer, the symptoms begin to show and progress quickly within a few weeks. A lump in the neck or a nodule in the same area, shortness of breath, and difficulty in swallowing pills and food are some of the symptoms. As the cancer grows, the lump may become bigger, like a big hard mass in the neck, just in a few days. The voice can become hoarse and a persistent cough may occur. Breathing difficulties are common as the airway becomes restricted.
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Clinical treatments for irritable bowel syndrome

Clinical treatments for irritable bowel syndrome

Clinical Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder in the large intestine, which brings about bloating, gas, cramps, and abdominal pain along with diarrhea or constipation. When you have a persistent change of bowel habits along with the symptoms mentioned earlier, see a doctor. Several tests will be recommended, including a study of the stool to determine the infection, tests to check malabsorption of nutrients, and other symptoms that point towards IBS. The treatment prescribed may help improve and eliminate all the symptoms. People with IBS face anxiety and depression. Panic disorders and, in some cases, suicidal tendencies have been recorded as well. People with IBS need to avoid stress and things that trigger the onset of an attack. 1. Start a food journal Since food affects people in different ways, it is best to maintain a record of food consumed so that it is easier to determine what triggers IBS. Your doctor will advise you to avoid the trigger foods to prevent the symptoms. Fiber improves constipation and diarrhea but brings about bloating. Doctors use this judiciously to control symptoms. A good intake of water at regular intervals is advised. 2. Consider an antibiotic The usual treatment is by changing the structure of bacteria in your intestines and stopping its growth.
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5 thyroid diseases and their treatments

5 thyroid diseases and their treatments

Any health condition that hampers the proper functioning of the thyroid gland must be treated promptly. This is because the thyroid gland plays a significant role in the smooth operation of the human body and is responsible for vital activities like influencing the rate of metabolism, i.e., the speed at which calories are converted to energy in the body, the rapidity at which food moves through the gastrointestinal tract, governing the proper growth and development of the brain, especially in infants and children, regulating body temperature, and heart functions. Iodine absorbed from the food that is ingested is the most important mineral used by the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. The pituitary gland regulates the release of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. Therefore, any imbalance of iodine intake or ailment of the pituitary gland affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. Herein, we discuss some thyroid diseases and the suggested options for treating them. 1. Goiter Lack of iodine in the diet can cause abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland located below the Adam’s apple in the throat. Goiter is usually painless but severe swelling can constrict the trachea and result in continuous coughing, making both swallowing and breathing painful and strenuous.
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6 breast cancer treatments for young women

6 breast cancer treatments for young women

Breast cancer is generally associated with older women over the age of 65. However, even young women below the age of 40 are susceptible and can be affected by breast cancer. The percentage of young women diagnosed with breast cancer is certainly less, but even that number is higher than 10,000 women every year in the country. The diagnosis of breast cancer in young women is more difficult than in seniors. This is because routine mammograms are not advised for women younger than 40 years. Also, since young women have dense breasts, detecting cancer can be difficult. Unless a close family member like a mother, grandmother, aunt, or sister has had breast cancer at an early age, there is no reason to suspect this disease. Here’s a list of breast cancer treatments for young women: 1. Surgery The first step in treatment would be surgery. In a lumpectomy, the aim is to remove the malignant tumor in the breast along with a little bit of surrounding tissue. In a mastectomy, the entire breast tissue, the skin, and the nipple are removed. This is done for two reasons: to prevent cancer from spreading to other areas of the body, and to reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer.
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6 Traditional Treatments for Colon Cancer

6 Traditional Treatments for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer originates in the lining tissues of the colon, a part of the large intestine. Increasing age and environmental factors are the primary causes for the development of this type of cancer but certain lifestyle factors and, rarely, genetics can also play a role in the development of this condition. Beginning as a benign polyp in most cases, these growths, when removed, prevent colon cancer. A patient’s general health condition at the time of diagnosis of colon cancer and other medical conditions that might coexist. The type and stage of colon cancer that has been discovered and the probable side effects are the basic factors that would determine which treatments should be used to treat colon cancer. The ideal thing to do: follow the advice of a multi-disciplinary team of specialists that include a physician, surgeon, medical and radiation oncologist, gastroenterologist, counselors, and dietitians. While removing the cancerous growth is the most appropriate thing to do, treating the symptoms and the side effects of certain treatment methods are equally essential. The most commonly approached treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. Many different types of medical procedures are helpful as well: 1. Polypectomy This refers to the removal of polyps or benign growths, an abnormal collection of tissues, from inside of the colon.
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