Understanding Replacement Therapy for Hemophilia

Understanding Replacement Therapy for Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare genetic disorder wherein the individual has insufficient or defective blood clotting factors that are required by the body. As a consequence of this condition, the individual would end up with bleeding that does not stop easily due to the lack of the required clouting reactions to take place in the body, thereby making the individual highly susceptible during injuries. One of the most common hemophilia treatments is replacement therapy. Let’s take a look at what’s involved: 1. What is replacement therapy Through replacement therapy, the individual’s body is supplied with the clotting factors that are missing through the help of an external source. Based on the type of clotting factor that is deficient in the body, hemophilia is categorized as type A, B, or C. Consequently, the type of clotting factor that has to be supplied through such treatment would depend on the hemophilia type that the individual is suffering from. 2. Sourcing of clotting factors In general, the required clotting factors for hemophilia treatment are sourced from human blood or plasma, which forms the blood’s non-cellular liquid component. Some of the common types of clotting factors VIII that are derived from plasma are Wilate, Alphanate, HumateP, and Hemofil-M.
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Different Types of Viral Hepatitis

Different Types of Viral Hepatitis

In the human body, the liver is located in the right upper area of the abdomen. Many critical functions are performed by the liver that affects the metabolism of the body. It produces bile which is essential for digestion. It filters toxins and excretes bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The liver activates enzymes which are specialized proteins needed for body functions. It stores glycogen, minerals, and vitamins (A, D, E, and K). The function of the synthesis of blood proteins like albumin and synthesis of clotting factors is done by the liver. An inflamed condition of the liver is referred to as hepatitis. The most common cause of this condition is a viral infection but there are other possible causes. The most common forms of hepatitis include the following: 1. Hepatitis A This is caused due to an infection with the hepatitis A virus (HAV). It is most commonly transmitted by consuming food or water contaminated by feces of a person infected with hepatitis A. 2. Hepatitis B This infection is transmitted through contact with infectious body fluids like blood, vaginal secretions or semen containing the hepatitis B virus (HBV). There is an increased risk of getting hepatitis B while sharing injections, having sex with an infected partner or sharing razors with an infected person.
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Targeted Therapy for Treating Kidney Cancer

Targeted Therapy for Treating Kidney Cancer

The right treatment option for kidney cancer will mainly depend on the stage and the diagnosis of the cancer. One of the common therapies for treating kidney cancer that involves the use of medication to destroy the cancer cells is known as systemic therapy. In this type, the required medication is flushed through the body’s bloodstream to counteract with the cancer. Such therapies for treating kidney cancer can only be performed by an oncologist or a specialist: 1. Systemic therapy Systemic therapy as a kidney cancer treatment option involves the use of an IV tube that is inserted into the vein; this could also be administered in the form of oral medication. There are essentially three forms of systemic therapy and they include targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy. Each of these types of therapy is distinct in the way it is used as a kidney cancer treatment. More specifically, depending on the history of the patient, a single type of systemic therapy may be chosen or combination treatment could be prescribed as well. The course of treatment would be decided by the doctor by factoring in all the relevant data such as the stage of cancer, the rate of progression, and medical history.
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The Types of Leukemia That Affect Children

The Types of Leukemia That Affect Children

One of the most common types of cancer in children is childhood leukemia, i.e., cancer of the white blood cells. When white blood cells abnormally grow in the bone marrow, they travel quickly through the bloodstream and push out healthy cells, causing an increase in the chance of the body to pick up an infection and other related problems. It is tough and sad for a child to suffer from cancer, but childhood leukemia and its types can be successfully treated in most children. Although the causes of childhood leukemia in most cases are not exactly known, there are certain risks that increase the chance of developing certain types of leukemia in a child, such as an inherited disorder, an inherited immune system, a brother or sister, especially an identical twin, suffering from leukemia, a history of being exposed to high levels of radiation or chemotherapy, and a history of immune system suppression like an organ transplant. Most cases of childhood leukemia develop rapidly, which means they are acute. Only a small number are chronic and develop slowly. Some types of childhood leukemia include 1. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) This leukemia invades the blood and spreads throughout the body to other organs and progresses quickly.
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4 common types of treatments for lung cancer

4 common types of treatments for lung cancer

Lung cancer treatments are based on consultations with the doctor on what would work for one’s condition and stage. Some of the crucial factors that it will depend on the type of lung cancer, what stage it is in, how much it has spread, what are the possible side effects of each treatment, age, and other health conditions. This is one of the most important conversations one will have with their doctor after diagnosis for lung cancer is confirmed, and therefore, it is important that one not only knows about the treatment options available but also understand how it could affect the body. Some of the most common forms of lung cancer treatment include the following: 1. Surgery This is the most obvious course of treatment if one is diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer and if it has not spread to other parts of the body. The main process would be to remove the part of the lung that carries the tumor and any tissue around it that has been affected. In some cases, there might be a need to remove an entire lung. In addition, the doctor would also recommend undergoing chemotherapy or radiation after the surgery. After the surgery, there will be a recovery period needed and the good news is that there are quite a few non-invasive techniques available for ensuring there is minimal damage on the outside and also resulting in the removal of the tumor.
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Top Tips for Preventing Lyme Disease While Outdoors

Top Tips for Preventing Lyme Disease While Outdoors

An estimated 300,000 people in the country are affected by Lyme disease every year and there can hardly be a hiker or trekker that has not been bitten by one. Before they start, most hikers and campers are aware of all possible risks that they may have to face on the trails and by default take enough measures for the prevention of Lyme disease. If you are new to hiking and camping, taking steps to prevent Lyme disease due to tick bites is something that you will always be thankful for as you just cannot brush this tick off that easily. Herein, we provide some tips that will help you avoid those pesky ticks out camping and ensure the prevention of Lyme disease. 1. Watch where you walk and set up camp Lyme disease is caused by black-legged ticks that live in moist and humid places. Therefore, it is quite likely that when you walk through grass, leaves, and trees, they could attach to your shirts, trousers, or shoes. Always walk in the center of the trail where it is likely to be drier and devoid of grass. You also must avoid walking through dense vegetation or push through heavy branches of low-lying trees.
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Types of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas

Types of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas

Lymphocytes, i.e., white blood cells, are responsible for fighting bacterial and viral infections and diseases in the body. As an active part of the immune system, lymphocytes travel throughout the body via the bloodstream. They are especially found in large numbers in lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, tonsils, appendix, and spleen. When lymphocytes become malignant and reproduce abnormally, it develops into cancer and is called lymphoma. Lymphoma is categorized into different groups by doctors who examine the cells under a microscope. This is done to identify which type of lymphocyte is affected and has turned a mutant. Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphomas are the two main types, and the visible presence of Reed–Sternberg cells instantly confirms Hodgkin lymphoma, and its notable absence positively establishes that it is Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Further sub-classifications of both these types of lymphoma are essential for the correct prognosis and effective treatment of the patient. Enlarged or swollen lymph nodes that are painless, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite, atypical weight loss, night sweats, and fever are classic symptoms of all lymphoma. However, certain differences are apparently noticed. Reliable statistics say out of the 10 people diagnosed with lymphoma in the country, nine are identified with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma because it is more common than Hodgkin lymphoma.
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How to Organize to Manage Your ADHD

How to Organize to Manage Your ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that can hinder one’s life from carrying out a smile everyday tasks as well as affect their social life. In the case of adults, having to manage ADHD takes a lot of effort as they need to battle the symptoms such as extreme levels of procrastination, behavior being impulsive, and trouble sticking to deadlines. There is also the constant feeling of not being understood as to what the individual is up against by neither their family nor friends. However, there are ways by which one can bring their life back to a level of normalcy to manage ADHD effectively. The starting point is learning how to work around everyday tasks and make one’s strengths play in their favor. These changes will not happen overnight but one needs to work on them consciously and for a period of time before it becomes part of their routine and stops being a hurdle anymore. 1. Start by getting into an organized routine Two major traits that are associated with ADHD are distractibility and inattention. This is one of the hardest challenges one would face when trying to get life organized. The very thought of having to be organized can drain a person both physically and emotionally when they are suffering from ADHD.
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Top Treatments for Melanoma

Top Treatments for Melanoma

Treatment for any form of cancer is dependent on a wide variety of factors, and this is no different for melanoma. Essentially in the case of melanoma, the treatment is divided into treatment focused for the early stages and for the ones where cancer cells have spread beyond the layers of the skin. 1. How does early-stage melanoma treatment work? When the cancer is at the starting stages, the first course of action recommended by doctors is surgery to remove the melanoma. This can be easily removed through biopsy if the melanoma is thin, and that would not require any further treatment. If the melanoma is sitting on the borders of the skin and about to seep into the layers below, then there would be a certain amount of surgery required. Usually, for the early stages, this is all that would be required as part of melanoma treatment. 2. How does melanoma treatment for cancer that has spread below the skin work? This is dependent on how far the seeping is and whether the cancer cells have spread extensively. Some of the most common treatment options in these stages would be: Surgery This would be the most viable option if the melanoma has started spreading to the lymph nodes nearby, and thereby require removal of those affected nodes.
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4 experimental treatments for multiple myeloma

4 experimental treatments for multiple myeloma

In a fit, healthy person, white plasma cells found in the bone marrow are responsible for producing antibodies that enable the body to fight germs and infections. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that attacks the white plasma cells. This form of cancer can either be latent with no symptoms whatsoever or can be aggressive and affect other organs like the bones and kidneys. The dismal news is there is no real cure for multiple myeloma, but the welcome news is that there are many treatments approved by the U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that target this chronic cancer. Individual or a combination of treatments aims at destroying the mutant cells and keeping them under control from multiplying exponentially, or at the very least makes an effort to delay the spread of the disease and prevent cancer from metastasizing. Just in the United States, multiple myeloma predominantly affects older males of African American descent. But statistics confirm that more than 30,000 people are impacted by this relatively unusual cancer every year. This indicates that just about anyone can be affected by this disorder of the plasma cells. Treatments vary for every patient, not just based on how aggressive the cancer is and how quickly it is spreading, but also depending on whether it is a man or an expectant/breastfeeding woman who is affected.
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