Learn which foods to avoid to prevent heart diseases

Learn which foods to avoid to prevent heart diseases

Heart disease, primarily coronary heart disease, is the most common type of heart condition in the US and occurs when there is a blood clot in the arteries. One of the most important causes of blood clots is when the arteries get narrowed by the accumulation of fat deposits or plaque. This blood clot reduces the flow of blood to the heart, thereby damaging the heart cells. So it’s understandable that heart health can be maintained by preventing excessive fat deposits, which can largely be controlled by diet. Apart from diet, there are other factors that can help control the same, such as smoking, lack of physical exercise, and other genetic factors. Regulating the diet is one of the principal ways to prevent heart disease, and this can be done by knowing which foods help prevent heart diseases. Foods to be avoided to prevent heart disease include the following: 1. Maintain a balanced diet The perfect balanced diet usually recommended by health experts includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat and high-fiber food. 2. Avoid highly processed foods Processed and canned foods should be strictly refrained from, and foods that are high in cholesterol should not be included in the regular diet.
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Foods items that lower the risk of cancer in women

Foods items that lower the risk of cancer in women

When eaten as part of a healthy and balanced diet, certain foods can help reduce the risk of cancer. Unfortunately, no one food item can help keep you cancer-free. But there are certain foods that when included in your diet can help lower the chances of you developing cancer. You need to make sure that your diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes which will give your body the range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that it needs. Weight gain can also be prevented if you are conscious of what you eat and eating healthy can also help lower body fat. The number of hormones in the body increase with excess weight and when these excess hormones go unused, they can promote cancer cell growth, thereby increasing a woman’s risk of both breast and uterine cancer. Let’s take a look at the list of foods that women should include in their diet in order to lower their cancer risks: 1. Lentils Lentils are foods that are rich in dietary fibers. Having enough fiber content in your body may help reduce colorectal cancer. Fiber helps your gut to produce chemicals that may stop tumor cells from forming. Your weight is also maintained as fiber keeps you full longer.
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Use your diet to help reduce the impact of gout

Use your diet to help reduce the impact of gout

Gout is a type of arthritis which causes pain, tenderness, inflammation, and redness. It mostly affects the feet, but can affect other joints too and is more prevalent in men and in women postmenopause. Since there is no cure for gout, the main goal of people affected by the condition is to develop healthy eating habits, which should become a part of their lifestyle choice. Foods such as low-fat dairy, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts help reduce uric acid levels and also aid in maintaining a healthy heart. Gout has been linked to an increase in the risk of heart problems, making a heart-healthy diet beneficial. People with a higher BMI are at higher risk of developing gout. Hence, weight control should be a priority. Research proves that reducing calorie intake and weight lowers uric acid levels in the body and decreases the number and frequency of gout attacks. Losing weight is beneficial to the joints as well, as it reduces the stress of body bodyweight on them. In addition to the above, one must drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Drinking water helps to dilute and reduce the uric acid levels in the body. The following foods and nutrients are beneficial in controlling and reducing high uric acid levels in the body:
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Healthy snacks for athletes

Healthy snacks for athletes

Athletes and people involved in high-energy workouts and sports activities need more calories and nutrients than others. Professional sportsmen and athletes require adequate carbohydrates, protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals. Snacking before or after a workout is a good way to ensure that the body is nourished. Eating before a workout gives energy, and eating after a workout replenishes the lost calories and muscle depletion. Athletes should avoid snacks that are high in fats and sugar. It may be tempting to bite into a doughnut, cookies, candy bars, or drink sodas, but it is better to stay away from them as they have zero nutrients. Healthy snacks for both adults and kids are ideal for maintaining health and stamina. It just requires a little bit of planning to keep the snacks ready to be consumed when needed. If you are regularly involved in a sport set a scheduled diet plan and want to include healthy snacks in the plan, shop for ingredients earlier and make them at home. Add foods from various food groups to make healthy snacks for both adults and kids. Snacks serve many purposes: Satisfy hunger so that less is eaten at meals Provide extra calories to contribute to daily energy needs Provide the fuel required before and after workouts Help athletes maintain their energy levels throughout the day.
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Foods to avoid if you are affected with Hepatitis C

Foods to avoid if you are affected with Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver infection that’s caused by the hepatitis C virus and transmitted via blood or bodily fluids. Roughly 3.9 million Americans have hep C. Left untreated, hep C can lead to serious liver damage. Certain foods make the condition worse and are better to avoid when suffering from Hepatitis C. They are harmful to the liver. Hepatitis C sufferers have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, so equal importance should be given to maintaining a healthy weight. Some of the foods to be avoided by Hepatitis C patients are as follows: 1. Raw sea-food Raw seafood and shellfish like oysters and mussels, carry bacteria and virus which can be life-threatening if you are affected with the Hepatitis C virus or liver disease. Oysters have a high content of iron which is also bad for those with hepatitis C. High level of iron in the body can cause heart problems too. 2. Salt Salt intake should be curtailed. Opt for a low sodium diet to prevent fluid retention and swelling. Processed foods which contain high levels of salt should be restricted or completely avoided from the Hepatitis C diet. Read the labels of processed food.
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Foods that should be avoided for high cholesterol

Foods that should be avoided for high cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like waxy substance that is found in the blood in all cells of the body. The body needs cholesterol to produce substances that help in digestion and also help in the production of Vitamin D. It is enough to have a certain level of cholesterol for the body to perform these functions, but some of the foods may lead to an increase in the level of cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can lead to various health issues and may also cause heart problems. While preferring low cholesterol food may be a solution, it is also necessary to know the food that increases the level of cholesterol, in order to have them in control or to avoid. Here are some tips that will help you have a healthy diet to control high cholesterol: 1. Avoid saturated fats Most of the foods contain saturated fat, which is mostly found in animal foods, such as butter, meat, and other dairy products, and foods that are made with them, such as biscuits and cakes. Prefer margarine made from unsaturated vegetable oils instead of butter. Primarily saturated fats in red meat and dairy products increase the cholesterol level faster than the other saturated foods.
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Improving your diet to treat multiple myeloma

Improving your diet to treat multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a form of blood cancer that is associated with the bone marrow in particular. This disease is a result of the blood cells known as plasma cells mutating into cancerous cells and resulting in a tumor within the bone. In the event that there is more than one tumor present, the condition is termed as multiple myeloma. The patient diagnosed with this condition is prone to infections and anemia as a result of these cancerous cells. In general, the function of the normal plasma cells is to fight against the infection, but the presence of these myeloma cells blocks this function. There are quite a few traditional treatment options viable for dealing with multiple myeloma, but multiple myeloma natural treatments are gaining popularity as they help with pain care and management. Special diets and food form a critical element in ensuring the body’s nourishment. 1. Treating multiple myeloma through diet When it comes to diet, there is no proven food strategy that can help cure or treat multiple myeloma. On the contrary, there are certain food strategies that you can follow to deal with the most common symptoms of this disorder, which is kidney damage and anemia.
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Recommended diets for psoriatic arthritis patients

Recommended diets for psoriatic arthritis patients

Eating a good balance of healthy, natural foods and having a good lifestyle plan is essential to treat psoriatic arthritis. People with inflammatory forms of arthritis, like psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis, may make more specific food choices and changes in the diet by eliminating those that aggravate the condition. Food allergies vary from person to person, so it is best to identify what suits you and what does not. A diet rich in fresh natural foods like fruits and vegetables and low in sugar, salt and fat help people with psoriatic arthritis boost their overall health and control their weight. Some of the diets tried and tested to treat psoriatic arthritis are 1. Low-calorie diet Obesity is linked to a higher incidence of psoriatic arthritis, and people with higher BMI are more prone to the condition. This is because of higher fat-deposits in their tissues release inflammatory substances into the bloodstream. The higher the adiposity the greater the inflammation. Being overweight adds to the burden of inflammation. A low-calorie diet with natural foods helps reduce and maintain weight as well as fight psoriatic arthritis. Eating less refined sugar, red meat, refined carbs, and saturated fats is highly advised. You must also keep a count of calories to make sure you are on the right track.
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A guide to skin care and 3 foods for glowing skin

A guide to skin care and 3 foods for glowing skin

It is true that routine exercises maintain not only a well-balanced state of physical, mental, and emotional health but also promote skin health. As you exercise, the blood supply to your skin improves, making it healthy and wrinkle-free. A lot of people are under the impression that the key to great skin care is exercise and a choice of good cosmetics. While this is not completely false, a well-balanced diet should also be taken into consideration. 1. Why is food important? Food is nutrition and as the saying goes, “we are what we eat.” The internal bodily systems depend on the nutrients in the food we consume in order to supply them to the various organs. Unhealthy food comprises of unhealthy fats, excess of which leads to complications that also affect the skin. Good food nourishes every organ, which includes the skin as well. An example of the link between food and skincare can be seen if you were to eat only junk food for about ten days. Your skin will turn pale, and you might also develop dark circles around your eyes. Junk food leads to more fat, which increases fat deposition in the body. This slowly blocks the blood vessels, resulting in poor blood flow and a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
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Healthy snacks options for those with diabetes

Healthy snacks options for those with diabetes

Weight can be a touchy and sensitive subject to both adults and children. Children need to be spoken to in a tone that is not condescending or mocking. This ensures their self-confidence or self-esteem is not hurt. As they grow older and understand the medical risks of being obese, they will cooperate. Eating healthy will become a habit that needs no reminders or journals to help. For adults who are diabetic and have a high BMI, a treatment protocol will include sessions with nutritionists and counselors who periodically help them to reach the goal weight. For adults too, weight loss and control is not easy as they are already grappling with diabetes. They will need support from family and people around them to be proactive and enable them to eat healthily. There are many boot camps, support groups, and online communities which share information and help them with sample menus and recipes. You or they can now whip up dishes that are healthy, aid in weight loss as well as manage sugar levels and also sticks to recommended levels of carbohydrates and calorie count. 1. Safe snacks that take care of both sugar and weight It is generally agreed that a snack should contain no more than 200 calories and should also contain fiber and protein.
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