Learn which foods to avoid to prevent heart diseases
Heart disease, primarily coronary heart disease, is the most common type of heart condition in the US and occurs when there is a blood clot in the arteries. One of the most important causes of blood clots is when the arteries get narrowed by the accumulation of fat deposits or plaque. This blood clot reduces the flow of blood to the heart, thereby damaging the heart cells. So it’s understandable that heart health can be maintained by preventing excessive fat deposits, which can largely be controlled by diet. Apart from diet, there are other factors that can help control the same, such as smoking, lack of physical exercise, and other genetic factors. Regulating the diet is one of the principal ways to prevent heart disease, and this can be done by knowing which foods help prevent heart diseases. Foods to be avoided to prevent heart disease include the following: 1. Maintain a balanced diet The perfect balanced diet usually recommended by health experts includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat and high-fiber food. 2. Avoid highly processed foods Processed and canned foods should be strictly refrained from, and foods that are high in cholesterol should not be included in the regular diet.
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