Top Early Warning Signs of Depression

Top Early Warning Signs of Depression

Depression can be debilitating and affects people of every race, age, and gender. It can be caused by genes, stress, and fluctuating hormones or any combination of these. There are things that can be done to lessen the severity and even stabilize the person struggling with depression, such as doctor-prescribed medications and therapies. Recognizing the early warning symptoms of depression and seeking out professional help can help manage the condition. Here are the early warning signs of depression:

1. Weight fluctuations
Weight fluctuations often accompany depression. A change of greater than five percent in weight in one month’s time in either direction (weight gain or loss) can signal that depression might be at play. Significant weight gain can affect a person’s self esteem negatively; it can also cause a person to withdraw and isolate rather than getting help.

2. Loss of interest
Another common sign of depression occurs when normal activities and relationships lose meaning in a person’s life. Withdrawal of time and energy into previous areas of passion, work or lifelong interests is a huge sign that depression is creeping in. This can also include the loss of joy in activities that were formerly pleasurable including social activities and sex.

3. Insomnia
Sleeping difficulties, especially insomnia and early morning waking, are particularly evident in people struggling with depression. In fact, those exhibiting insomnia are ten times more likely to have depression. Keep in mind that depressed individuals may also exhibit the opposite phenomena, oversleeping.

4. Persistent anxiety
Anxiety involves dwelling on worried thoughts and can manifest in physical symptoms like panic attacks, trouble breathing, and a generalized nervous state. It commonly accompanies depression and can exacerbate digestive symptoms as well.

5. Fatigue
This fatigue can be a frank tiredness accompanying insomnia or a persistent sluggishness a person feels after sleeping a normal or even an excessive amount. Fatigue and low mood are very commonly present.

6. Suicidal thoughts
This is the most troubling of the symptoms as it can lead to suicidal thoughts and even attempts. These thoughts can be accompanied by people giving possessions away and getting their affairs in order.

7. Feelings of worthlessness
People struggling with depression will often find their minds going to very low thoughts regarding their self worth. It can feel like the rock bottom where no light or truth is present only feelings of deep despair. This can lead to people struggling with depression to not practice good hygiene and other routines which make people feel universally human.

8. Physical symptoms
Physical symptoms including aches and pains, digestive trouble and headache can be signs of depression. These seem to accompany people struggling with hormone imbalances as well which can be an underlying root cause of the depression symptoms.

9. Trouble concentrating
With all of the negative thoughts and emotions swirling in the mind of a person who struggles with depression, concentration can be adversely affected. In fact, a person’s drive and ability to focus can be waylaid by depression.

With all of these early warning signs of depression, treatment can help. Whether it is clinical depression or bipolar depression, there are effective treatments that often include medication and psychotherapy. A skilled practitioner can help mitigate these symptoms.