Top 5 eyeliner hacks

Top 5 eyeliner hacks

Everybody loves tips and tricks that can reduce the time it takes to get ready. However, when you need to apply eyeliner, a small shortcut you take could lead to a mishap. Being the meticulous task it is, applying eyeliner can make you late to work than you already would be. However, it does not have to be so if you know the right way of applying eyeliner.

Here are a few eyeliner hacks that can help you achieve the perfect flick in less time than usual.

1. Spoon
This staple kitchen utensil also serves as a tool to creating the perfect eyeliner flick. You can line up the straight handle below the outer corner of the eye. This helps you to create a sharper underside to the flick of your eyeliner. You can then trace the pointy tip to the lash line using the curved head of the spoon. All that remains then is filling in the outline.

2. Eyeliner guard
An eyeliner guard serves essentially the same purpose as that of a spoon. The difference is that an eyeliner guard is a professional eye makeup tool. This easy-to-clean makeup tool is made of rubbery plastic. It offers a great deal of steadiness and comfort when applying eyeliner. This eyeliner hack also offers a great deal of flexibility as you can opt for a curved or a straight-edged eyeliner guard.

3. Floss holder
One of the latest eyeliner hacks to hit the Internet can be credited to a beauty blogger called Makeup by Sugar. The hack simply involves taking a floss holder and coating the floss with the eyeliner. You can then stamp the floss over your eyelid, especially towards the outer corner. This can give you the perfect outline for filling in your eyelids with the eyeliner.

4. Cotton buds
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, mistakes are bound to happen. The common mistake that most people make after drawing a crooked outline is rubbing or smudging it with their finger. This makes the outline damaged beyond repair. The alternative to such a situation is to use a pointed cotton bud. You can remove any excess eyeliner on your eyelids by dipping the end of the cotton bud into a make-up remover. You can use the dipped cotton bud to create the line you want in a single stroke across the eyelid.

5. Sticky tape
While this is one of the simplest eyeliner hacks, it does require a specific condition. To make the best of this hack, you need to apply the foundation after you have done your eye makeup. Failing to do so can lead to the tape peeling off your make-up. Stick a tiny piece of tape on the outer corners of your eyes, specifically in a diagonal position before drawing your outline. This helps in creating a perfect outline as any mistakes you make while applying the eyeliner will slip straight onto the tape. You can then peel off the tape and get that perfect look.