Symptoms and Risk Factors for Hepatitis

Symptoms and Risk Factors for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a condition of the liver that has a good possibility of turning chronic in a shorter time and causing severe symptoms. The condition could weigh heavily physically, mentally and financially on the individual and their families. Identifying the symptoms related to the condition at the earliest stage possible could save a lot of trouble. The following are the symptoms of various types of Hepatitis:

1. Hepatitis A
The signs and symptoms of this type of Hepatitis are not exhibited until a few weeks after the virus enters the body. Every person who has contracted the virus doesn’t necessarily build the symptoms. However if they do, they would usually be: loss of appetite, joint pain, dark urine, fatigue, sudden nausea and vomiting, discomfort or pain in the abdomen on the upper right corner (by the liver), jaundice symptoms (yellowing of the white of the eyes and the skin), and intense itching. The symptoms are usually mild and should go away in a couple of weeks. The virus could in some cases build severe illnesses that could last a few months.

2. Hepatitis B
These symptoms can be simply mild but also become severe in no time. They are exhibited in the time between one and four months since contracting the infection. While in some cases the symptoms could show two weeks after contraction, in the cases of children and old people, the symptoms don’t show at all. In the cases where the symptoms are exhibited, they could be fever, dark urine, joint pains, pain in the abdomen, fatigue, and weakness, loss of appetite, and symptoms of jaundice.

3. Hepatitis C
When the Hepatitis C virus is present in the body for a long time, the condition becomes chronic Hepatitis C. This condition is silent for a very long time. The signs and symptoms which are finally exhibited come up because of all the damage that has been done to the liver. These symptoms include fatigue, poor appetite, bleeding and bruising easily, swelling in the legs, fluid buildup in the abdomen, weight loss, itchy skin, hepatic encephalopathy, and spider angiomas.

4. Hepatitis D
This type of Hepatitis is caused by HDV can spread very easily if an individual comes in contact with the bodily fluids of an affected person. 5% of people with hepatitis B would go on to develop Hepatitis D as reported by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The symptoms of this type of Hepatitis include vomiting, joint pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, dark urine, yellowing of the eyes and the skin, loss of appetite, and fatigue. The symptoms of Hepatitis D are very similar to the symptoms of Hepatitis B. In some cases, the type D virus can make the symptoms worse in people affected with Hepatitis B. Hepatitis D virus can start exhibiting symptoms in patients affected with Hepatitis B who hadn’t shown any symptoms earlier.

5. Hepatitis E
The symptoms exhibited by a patient affected with Hepatitis E virus are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine, fever, joint pain, yellowing of the skin, acute liver failure, enlargement of the liver, acute liver failure, among others.