Lifestyle Changes to Treat Overactive Bladder

Lifestyle Changes to Treat Overactive Bladder

The bladder is an important part of the body that holds and expels urine. When functioning correctly, the bladder will fill with urine before the walls of the organ contract and push the liquid out of the body. The symptoms of overactive bladder (or OAB) are marked by a sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to control, and may lead to accidents. The following lifestyle changes are effective to ease the symptoms of OAB:

1. Eliminate foods that irritate the bladder
This is the first step advised by most physicians when you are diagnosed with an overactive bladder. Changing your diet is key because certain foods and drinks have been proven to increase the need to urinate on a regular basis. These include diuretics, such as caffeine-containing drinks including tea, coffee, and soda. Spicy and tomato-based foods should be avoided because these can have a negative effect on your need to urinate urgently when affected by OAB.

2. Increase fiber intake
When you are looking to improve your diet, you can improve your risk of the symptoms of OAB increasing by improving your digestion with added fiber. This usually means adding more fiber to your diet with the inclusion of oatmeal, dried fruits, vegetables, and beans to your diet.

3. Exercise effectively
In the 21st-century, we tend to talk a lot about exercise to keep your body and mind healthy. In most cases, this means doing some cardio or heading to the gym. However, if you are affected by OAB, you should look to exercise your pelvic muscles to help maintain your ability to urinate in a non-urgent way. Kegel exercises are a good option if you are looking to limit the symptoms of overactive bladder OAB because you are squeezing your pelvic floor muscles and holding them tight before releasing the pressure.

4. Quit smoking
The majority of people have now understood the problems that can be caused by smoking. When you are a frequent smoker, you will notice your bladder will often be annoyed by your habit leading to a worsening of the irritation you feel in your bladder and more frequent urination. Those who are affected by bladder problems will often be concerned about leakage with smoking leading to fits of coughing that can add to your urination concerns. By quitting smoking, you will limit these issues and feel more comfortable in your everyday life.

5. Lose weight
When you are overweight, you are generally placing your body under more stress meaning you are more liable to medical conditions, such as OAB. Obesity and weight gain have been shown to assist the development of OAB with more symptoms possible for you when you are struggling with your weight than when you are classed as at the correct weight. By losing weight, you will usually see a lessening of your symptoms because you have lowered the stress on your body.