Lifestyle changes to help prevent deep vein thrombosis

Lifestyle changes to help prevent deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that usually develops in a deep vein of the leg, which runs through the muscles of the calf and thigh. It can cause immense swelling and pain in the affected areas and may even lead to further serious complications.

Although it is difficult to predict who may be at risk to develop deep vein thrombosis, a few lifestyle changes will eventually lower the risk to a great extent. Over a period of time, these changes will get you into the habit of choosing an active alternative to an otherwise sedentary routine.

1. Make changes to your sedentary lifestyle
Long periods of inactivity can decrease blood flow to the legs and feet, which, in turn, can result in blood clots within the deep veins of our body. In order to break this habit, we need to make some changes:

  • Set an alarm and get up and walk for about five minutes, once an hour.
  • Keep our mobile phones away from us so that we are forced to get up to answer our calls.
  • Choose to walk down to your colleague’s cube instead of picking up the phone and calling them.
  • Instead of going for a movie or playing a video game, choose to play tennis or other sports with friends.
  • Use the stairs as often as you can.
  • Catch up with friends for a nature walk.
  • Reduce the amount of screen time and increase your physical activity by going for window shopping or do any small chores in and around the house.

2. Lower your body weight
There is strong evidence that shows the risk of DVT increases as a person’s body weight increases. Following a healthy diet plan and regular exercise will help in reducing weight and help prevent the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

3. Follow a well-balanced diet
A well-balanced diet can help in weight control as it includes low-calorie foods that are rich in protein, nutrients, and fiber which satisfies hunger without adding excess calories. Shop for groceries and food carefully and read the nutritional information labels. Making wise meal choices and eating at regular intervals can help prevent the risk of deep vein thrombosis. You can choose to substitute sugar and unhealthy foods with the following:

  • Choose sparkling water or low-fat milkshake over sodas.
  • Opt for grilled items instead of crispy, fried food.
  • Include more helpings of protein over carbohydrates. This will help you to feel full and curb hunger.
  • Snack on fruits, nuts, and salads instead of chips.
  • Order whole grain pizza with vegetables, mushrooms, and peppers instead of high-fat toppings like sausages, pepperoni, and extra cheese.
  • Go for a fruit salad instead of regular sweet desserts.

4. Quit smoking
Smoking increases the risk of clots as it impacts circulation negatively. By quitting smoking, overall health improves and it decreases the risk of many ailments, including DVT. Research has shown that just three months of not smoking caused profound healing in a person’s health and this includes an increase in blood circulation which, of course, has a direct impact on DVT.