Learn which foods to avoid to prevent heart diseases

Learn which foods to avoid to prevent heart diseases

Heart disease, primarily coronary heart disease, is the most common type of heart condition in the US and occurs when there is a blood clot in the arteries. One of the most important causes of blood clots is when the arteries get narrowed by the accumulation of fat deposits or plaque. This blood clot reduces the flow of blood to the heart, thereby damaging the heart cells. So it’s understandable that heart health can be maintained by preventing excessive fat deposits, which can largely be controlled by diet.

Apart from diet, there are other factors that can help control the same, such as smoking, lack of physical exercise, and other genetic factors. Regulating the diet is one of the principal ways to prevent heart disease, and this can be done by knowing which foods help prevent heart diseases. Foods to be avoided to prevent heart disease include the following:

1. Maintain a balanced diet
The perfect balanced diet usually recommended by health experts includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and low-fat and high-fiber food.

2. Avoid highly processed foods
Processed and canned foods should be strictly refrained from, and foods that are high in cholesterol should not be included in the regular diet.

3. Stick to low fat options
Cholesterol is an inevitable part of the body and is produced in the liver from the food consumed. It is a chief contributor to fat deposits in the arteries. It is of two types—low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is harmful as it leads to the formation of plaques in the blood vessels, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is actually the “good” fat that helps remove the bad cholesterol from the body. To prevent the risk of heart diseases, it is recommended to avoid foods that are loaded with LDLs like meat, butter, dairy products, and other derived products such as cookies and cakes. Foods containing HDLs like fish, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits must be added to the diet for good heart health.

4. Say no to sugar
Another chief ingredient of everyday food that contributes to the risk of heart disease is sugar. Added sugars cause the accumulation of fat, leading to diabetes, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Cookies, cakes, ice cream, and soda are some food items that are high in sugar content and should be avoided. In case you really want to eat desserts, you can opt for fruits that have no extra sugar and are great for the body.

5. Skip salt
Sodium is another key food ingredient that has to be taken in moderation to prevent heart diseases. A higher level of sodium reduces the ability of the kidneys to remove water and thus increases the pressure on the blood vessels to the kidneys. The resulting blood pressure is a huge risk factor for heart ailments.

Exercising caution in food consumption thus, can both directly and indirectly, play a major role in preventing heart disease. Eat the right kind of diet and remember that most foods are fine if eaten in moderation.