Foods to avoid if you are affected with Hepatitis C

Foods to avoid if you are affected with Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver infection that’s caused by the hepatitis C virus and transmitted via blood or bodily fluids. Roughly 3.9 million Americans have hep C. Left untreated, hep C can lead to serious liver damage. Certain foods make the condition worse and are better to avoid when suffering from Hepatitis C. They are harmful to the liver. Hepatitis C sufferers have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease, so equal importance should be given to maintaining a healthy weight.

Some of the foods to be avoided by Hepatitis C patients are as follows:

1. Raw sea-food
Raw seafood and shellfish like oysters and mussels, carry bacteria and virus which can be life-threatening if you are affected with the Hepatitis C virus or liver disease. Oysters have a high content of iron which is also bad for those with hepatitis C. High level of iron in the body can cause heart problems too.

2. Salt
Salt intake should be curtailed. Opt for a low sodium diet to prevent fluid retention and swelling. Processed foods which contain high levels of salt should be restricted or completely avoided from the Hepatitis C diet. Read the labels of processed food. Avoid snacking on junk food as their salt content is very high.

3. Sugar
Try to have foods with natural sugar rather than added sugar. Sugar can cause fatty liver disease, weight gain, and resistance to insulin. As far as possible avoid the so-called healthy alternatives to sugar like honey, maple syrup, and molasses.

4. Iron-rich food
Consumption of iron-rich foods should be avoided by Hepatitis C patients. Too much iron can cause an enlarged liver, liver failure and may even lead to liver cancer. Avoid iron supplements as well.

5. Alcohol
Not even small quantities should be consumed if you have any liver problems. It is the best way to slow the progression of the disease and keep your liver healthy. Smoking should be avoided too. Consuming g harmful substances can prove fatal as well. These three addictive things if consumed can be life-threatening.

6. Aerated drinks
Aerated drinks contain a lot of added sugar which is very unhealthy to the liver.

7. Gluten rich foods
If you have trouble digesting and processing gluten, avoid it as it can cause chronic inflammation which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. These toxins enter the bloodstream and can create a toxic overload to the liver which causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This can lead to more severe problems.

8. Vitamin and mineral supplements
If you are affected by Hepatitis C avoid taking vitamin and mineral supplements without consulting with the doctor. This can cause severe problems in the liver.

9. Fats
Hydrogenated oils should be avoided and substituted with olive oil. Processed and junk foods should be avoided as they stress the liver. They are high in salt and fat and add empty calories to the body.

10. Artificial sweeteners
They are extremely hard for the liver to process. Artificial sweeteners add additional by-products to the blood and make it more difficult for the liver to detoxify the blood. The additional strain on the liver will cause inflammation.

Besides the above mentioned, it is also best if any kind of food is consumed in moderation. Any foods consumed in excess can increase the effects of Hepatitis C.