A guide to skin care and 3 foods for glowing skin

A guide to skin care and 3 foods for glowing skin

It is true that routine exercises maintain not only a well-balanced state of physical, mental, and emotional health but also promote skin health. As you exercise, the blood supply to your skin improves, making it healthy and wrinkle-free. A lot of people are under the impression that the key to great skin care is exercise and a choice of good cosmetics. While this is not completely false, a well-balanced diet should also be taken into consideration.

1. Why is food important?
Food is nutrition and as the saying goes, “we are what we eat.” The internal bodily systems depend on the nutrients in the food we consume in order to supply them to the various organs. Unhealthy food comprises of unhealthy fats, excess of which leads to complications that also affect the skin. Good food nourishes every organ, which includes the skin as well. An example of the link between food and skincare can be seen if you were to eat only junk food for about ten days. Your skin will turn pale, and you might also develop dark circles around your eyes. Junk food leads to more fat, which increases fat deposition in the body. This slowly blocks the blood vessels, resulting in poor blood flow and a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

2. How much food should be consumed for healthy skin?
Before getting into what kind of food to eat, it is imperative to answer how much should be eaten. Anything in excess is not good for health, and the key to maintaining a decent state of bodily functions is moderation. Whatever you consume, stay within a comfort zone. If broccoli is a skin care superfood, it doesn’t mean you should consume it thrice a day for all the seven days in a week. Including it twice or thrice a week is enough to ensure optimum benefits.

3. Superfoods for healthy skin
Here are some excellent foods to include in your diet:

  • Green Tea
    Catechins are a powerful component present in green tea and help to improve skin health in several ways. As antioxidants, they protect the skin against any sun damage.
  • Red or yellow bell peppers
    Beta-carotene is a powerful component present in red and yellow bell peppers. The body converts this component into vitamin A. Besides, bell peppers are also great sources of vitamin C, which is essential for creating collagen, the protein that keeps the skin strong and firm. Vitamin C also helps in reducing wrinkles and dry skin and reduces any signs of aging.
  • Broccoli
    Broccoli has vitamin A and C, along with zinc. A certain carotenoid called lutein is also present in broccoli, which protects the skin from any kind of oxidative damage. It is also worth noting that the florets of broccoli have a compound called sulforaphane, which has anti-cancer effects, including for certain types of skin cancer.