A Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes

A Guide to Diagnosing and Treating Diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is often a result of sudden manifestation of symptoms associated with type 1 diabetes. For other forms of diabetes, the symptoms take time and only start showing at a gradual pace and are evident. However, Type 1 diabetes is more sudden and unpredictable. Here are a few guidelines that the American Diabetes Association has lined out for screening so that you are not taken by surprise in case of Type 1 diabetes. These guidelines include:

  • Those whose body mass index is above 25, irrespective of age. Individuals who have other additional health issues such as beyond-normal levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure, a sedentary lifestyle, heart disease or ailments, polycystic ovary syndrome, or have a family history of diabetes.
  • Those above the age of 45 are required to periodically check for blood sugar levels. Even if the results are normal at the initial screening stages, periodic checking will keep you informed of sudden spikes, and help you get timely diabetes diagnosis and treatment.
  • Any woman who was diagnosed with gestational diabetes needs to keep screening for diabetes periodically every three years.
  • If you have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, it is good to keep a check on it every year to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

1. What is the treatment plan for diabetes?
The treatment plan for diabetes is based on a variety of factors such as the type of diabetes diagnosed, age, and the overall health of the individual. Accordingly, the patient would be prescribed periodic blood sugar monitoring, insulin, or other forms of oral medication. Since diabetes diagnosis and treatment by medication is usually immediate, the effects will be seen quite soon. However, the individual has to engage in active lifestyle changes in order to ensure that a healthy diet is maintained alongside physical activity to sustain oneself without complications in the long run.

Diabetes can be maintained within the normal blood sugar levels if overall health is maintained effectively. Some of the best natural lifestyle treatments you should be looking at are:

2. Healthy eating habits
While there is no specific diabetes diet as many would like to believe, there are eating patterns that you should be paying attention to. Regular diet should include more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods that have higher nutrition and fiber with fewer calories and fat should be eaten. Simultaneously, you should be cutting out any form of refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and all forms of sugars.

3. Engage in physical activity
In addition to your meal patterns, you should also be paying attention to your physical activity levels. Have an active lifestyle so that your blood sugar levels are naturally regulated since exercising helps to cut down on insulin’s dependence to transport sugar within the body. Make sure to check in with your doctor as to what exercise would be ideal for you, and do not jump into a routine overnight.