7 natural tips to help treat migraine headaches

7 natural tips to help treat migraine headaches

A person who is at risk for migraine attacks knows that they can be affected anytime. Most of them follow the guidelines of avoiding triggers and take necessary precautions. There are different impacts of migraine—throbbing and pulsating headaches, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. However, when a migraine strikes, it is better to start doing whatever you can to reduce its impact. There are certain things that a person can do on their own during a migraine attack to reduce its intensity.

1. Avoid exposure to bright lights
At home, switch off the lights and pull the curtains as your eyes may be extremely sensitive to light. If you are outdoors, wear sunglasses. If you are working and are using a computer, you can wear anti-glare eyewear.

2. Cold and hot compresses:
A cold compress of ice cubes or a gel pack can provide relief from the throbbing and pulsating headache. You can use the pack and alternate it with a hot compress. These can be applied in the forehead, the back of the neck, and for some time, on the head too.

3. Physical activity:
Though as improbable as it sounds, mild exercise can help reduce symptoms of the headache. Walking, stretching, and mild exercises keep the adrenaline flowing and reduce the stress that has built up because of the migraine.

4. Increased fluid intake:
Eating must be the last thing on your mind when you are having a migraine headache. You can have food like porridge or milkshakes. However, even if you are not able to eat full meals, you can eat smaller meals.

5. Caffeine:
Caffeine is a trigger for migraine but a sudden withdrawal can also increase the symptoms. Having smaller doses of hot coffee or tea can help during an attack.

6. Aromatics:
Essential oils can help reduce the impact of the headache. You can inhale or apply essential oils on the forehead and temples to get some relief.

7. Massage
You can massage your head and temples in small circular motions to relieve the pressure you feel. You can ask a close friend or relative to do this for you every time you have an attack. Massages can soothe your headache and provide relief. Massage can also provide relief from spasms that normally occur during such migraine attacks.

For some, these hacks can work and the symptoms will reduce. Doctors normally prescribe medicines to be taken in the event of an attack. You can have these medicines only if you are unable to get any relief from the hacks you try at home.

Migraines cannot be managed alone. It is a disabling disease when it attacks and needs the support of those around you. With no cure in sight as yet for migraine, people who are prone to such attacks have to face them frequently. You will need rest and stay away from bright lights and sounds that could intensify the pain. However, with these hacks, many can carry on with light activities and some even carry on working. However, if the pain becomes unbearable and both hacks and medicines do not provide any relief, you should consult a doctor at the earliest.

Acupuncture, acupressure, and yoga are some other techniques that have proved effective in managing migraines. However, you should ensure you are availing of these services from registered and authorized practitioners. Otherwise, it may become counter-productive.