10 tips for solo travelers

10 tips for solo travelers

Solo traveling can be a fun and inspiring adventure for life. You would have to figure out where to go, how to stay, where to stay, and what to do. Regardless of your age, sex, and location, traveling alone, at least once in a lifetime, is a must-have experience.

Before you venture out on your own, check out these solo travel tips:

1. Consider double supplement lodging
The first task is to arrange your accommodation. Some hotels and cruise lines may require two individuals to share a property. That’s better as it can save you big bucks. However, if you want to stay alone, these services would still charge you the same. So, a good solo travel tip would be to book a shared accommodation.

2. Connect with people
Instead of looking at the map, look at the local people and initiate a connection. No guidebook can ever give you the knowledge you could gather by simply observing people. It is the best way to know the country, its culture, and its heritage. Use this experience to interact with the locals you meet. Make an effort to understand them and adapt to the culture. It is the best way to make friends and develop a connection even if you are staying for a few days.

3. Travel light
It is better to travel light and budget twice the money. This is a solo travel tip worth keeping in mind. Ultimately, you would end up wearing the same pair of shorts, a jacket, and pants for the entire trip. Make a budget for immediate requirements and keep some extra amount for additional expenses.

4. Daytime arrival is the best
A good solo travel tip is to plan your arrival during the daytime so that you can easily go from one point to another in an unfamiliar location.

5. Take protection
Carry the necessary protection according to your holiday destination. If you are visiting a country that has bears, carry a bear spray.

6. Know your alcohol limits
It’s only natural to get carried away when you travel solo for the first time. However, that does not mean you forget your tolerance levels.

Getting drunk and messy is chaos, especially if you are a solo traveler.

7. Keep someone informed about your plans
Keeping someone informed on where and how you plan to travel is a good solo travel tip. Share your itinerary. Better yet, request a friend to track you so that they know where you are headed.

8. Smile more often
A big smile wins many hearts. Strangers would come up and speak to you, the restaurant guy would be happy to help, and the locals would guide you. This is one important solo travel tip you must keep in mind. A smile is inviting, friendly, and universal.

9. Live your dream
Paragliding. River rafting. Salsa. What do you want to do? Open yourself to a new experience, which you would never do when at home. Sign up for a new activity and meet new people.

10. Make a journal
Your solo trip wouldn’t last forever. Make a journal and document the trip. Soak in the moment and remember to click photos more often.